About Me


"Thank you for taking the time to explore my artwork. My focus is on capturing the natural beauty of my surroundings through painting. I have both a studio in Perth, and I enjoy painting en plein-air, which allows me to fully immerse myself in the natural world. With over three decades of experience as an artist, I use a subtle tonal colour palette in my paintings to create a sense of harmony and tranquility for those who view them.

As an award-winning artist, I am honored to have my artwork owned by private collectors and businesses both in Australia and internationally. My paintings are exhibited in five gallery rooms at the renowned John St Cafe in Cottesloe, Perth, which I personally curate. Additionally, my artwork can be found on exhibit at Aspects of Kings Park, located in the Kings Park Botanic Gardens in Perth.

If you have any questions regarding my artwork, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you again for your interest in my passion." Jen Mellor


2024 - Ongoing Exhibition at John St Cafe & Gallery, 37 John St Cottesloe Perth. Open daily 7 am - 2.30 pm 
2024 - Ongoing Artworks on exhibition at Aspects of Kings Park Gallery Shop, Frazer Ave, West Perth


Winner - of the Melville Painting Awards in 2014 and 2018
Winner - of Claremont Local Artist Awards in 2016 and 2018

Highly commended - Stirling Art Awards 2015

Highly commended - Beverley Art Awards 2022 & 2023

Highly commended - Claremont Art Awards 2023


City of Melville Art Awards 2021, 2022, 2023

Lethbridge Gallery 2022 Art Awards Salon

York Botanic National Art Prize 2020

Claremont Art Awards 2014 - 2023

Royal Show Art Prize 2012 - 2018
Black Swan Heritage Art Prize 2012
South Perth Art Awards 2012 & 2013


Many private Australian and international collectors
Wesfarmers Art Collection - Sydney (2 Seascapes)
Voyager Estate Winery, Margaret River (Landscape)
Margaret River Hotel, Margaret River (Seascape and Botanical)

Sell out shows 2016 - Artist Open Home Fremantle
Sell out show 2019 - Aspects of Kings Park as the feature artist during the Kings Park Spring Festival


Aspects of Kings Park and Bold Park - 2024 Billboards

Home Beautiful - April 2021
Friends of Kings Park - Autumn 2021
Kings Park Botanic Gardens Perth - Website Article 2017


Jen Mellor Art

John St Cafe & Gallery, 37 John St, Cottesloe - Perth

Aspects of Kings Park Gallery - Perth